Thank you, David, from a Mindset Coach I respect 🤗

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Sounds like it is about going with our own flow - recognising, accepting and using it rather than denying and avoiding it. Very well structured Donna.

I fully endorse what Susan said in video based on my own experience in one to one session with Donna. She is the best at helping us discover ourselves and go to the next level

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Thank you for the kind words, Tariq! 🤗

Stream lining the process gives me joy, and you were ready.

You opened up, I listened, and you leveled up. 💜

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Acceptance not avoidance, and anything gets easier.

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Yes, it does, Therese!

I reckon it has to do with stopping to try so hard

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I’ve always tried too hard to be everything I wasn’t.

I need to let go and celebrate who I am.

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Celebrate more!

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Trying like hell!

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When I said, "I'm trying" to Mama Peggy, she was decades before Yoda, and always told me "there is no try. Just relax and do."

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Seems to me like a very growth minded way to react to negative thoughts. Love it.

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I fucking love this.

I spent 20 years convinced that all my "negative" thoughts are things I need to get rid of... to run away from... to IGNORE...

Biggest mistake I ever made in my life. As I learn, now, to sit with those thoughts, one by one, to write them out, to name them, to allow them to flow in and out of my consciousness...

I'm discovering the rich tapestry that lies underneath. I'm allowing myself to FEEL alive again... and it's frightening, intimidating, overwhelming, confusing as shit, and God damn exhilarating! All at the same time... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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It took me years, as well, to fully understand the value of sitting with negative thoughts rather than flipping them aside like link!

Your comment means so much to me, Michael, and warms my heart. Thank you 💕

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I was upset and negative, I wanted to go out shopping before I saw my specialist. I last went shopping at the end of June 2024. My husband, a farmer, ran out of decent clothes to wear. I ironed 2 pairs of his shorts and a pretty dress to wear. My arm started hurting an hour later and I couldn't lift it higher than my shoulder or hold anything that weighed more than 500g. I was pissed off with me for being so weak due to the fibro. I fought down my crankiness both for doing the ironing, (1st time since last May) and giving myself a pain flare due to fibromyalgia.

I fucking went shopping anyway, buying new all black clothes for my husband, me, my son, and daughter. I got a tailored, NON-IRON SCUNCHPROOF formal jacket and matching pants for my lawyer daughter to wear to court. Something that I'd wanted to buy her for 3 years. Button down shirts for son and husband, (better than ironing existing ones!), a sleek pair of dress pants and some comfy cool-looking leggings for me. I bought two more calendars, (we were going spare without a wall one, plus I got a Far Side desk calendar to make me laugh each morning because Gary Larson was so bloody good.

I bought 3 new lightning phone chargers because I seem to step on or run over most of them regularly. I bought everything I wanted, needed, or fancied on a whim; while my poor carer/husband went to Woolworths and got the groceries.

I overdid it, yes, I had a lot of pain, but I was also more independent than I have been. Before I used to be sad sitting in the car, stewing because I couldn't drive into the city.

I rocked into the specialist rooms happy because I've improved my walking, strength, swimming, and the drive to keep improving. He gave me the 'I'm concerned' looks with furrowed brows, then told me I probably had two new in-fucking-curable diseases. I accepted it all, just as I accepted the previous results last time. He handed me forms for more scans, bloods, and tests. I'm quite proud that I didn't cry on the spot.

(I did some Dr Donna FLUFFING while struggling to get back in my meticulously ironed linen dress. The fluffing worked to make me smile and settled my emotions.)

There's so much frigging negativity there, but I battled on; aching back, sore legs, thighs, shoulder, and a pain in my own neck. I kept it together when, not so long ago, I would have fallen apart.

I didn't complete a 180 degree shift to be Mrs Optimism, but I did okay.

I had a trolley full of fun shopping. I ate two favourite chocolate bars and sipped an iced tea for lunch, because I hadn't had either for 6 months. I did everything I wanted to do.

Chronic nerve pain is always with me. There's no meds to ease it, so I may as well live a little.

Last week, I wrote about double rainbows.

As my husband drove home, I looked out to see not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but SEVEN part rainbows. It may have been the same one appearing in different places, but as we wound our way home, it seemed like a blessing, like serendipity.

Maybe with the rotten stuff I had in my big day out, God placed rainbow segments in my sightline to compensate?

And what's fluffing you ask? Well, that's a post for another day.

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After last weekend's two sessions, I received an email from you that brought tears to my eyes:

"The two best Zooms I've ever had.

Donna, you are incomparable."

Let's pray that today's VIP session brings you more relief.

I do know that we have a mind-body-soul connection that is real.

What we focus on, we create.

By shifting your focus to shopping and giving, you distracted your mind from engaging so much with chronic pain.

I have a friend, Darielle Archer, who created a mental exercise called "Dial It Down" that has shown verifiable effectiveness.

If I have space for it today, I'll share it. Otherwise, I'll post about it.

Continuing the hug, Therese!


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I think I’ve made you cry A LOT in the last 3 weeks Donna.

It must be my superpower.

I’m secretly glad I did though.

Happy tears are the best.

They’re the only tears

that make you more beautiful

when you’re leaking from the eyes.

Happy International Women’s Day Donna-


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..."more beautiful when leaking from the eyes..."

You continue flexing your superpower, almighty t-raise' 💜

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Yes, I'm good at a few things, really good. Not everything, but we all only need a couple to get by, don't we?

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Hmm... My, oh, my, Isn't that interesting? You are far better than you imagined at many things.

When we start HMMing it, and our mind rebels, have faith.

We are creatures of habit, and creating new highway neuro pathways in our brain takes repetition. 💜

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I’ll keep on working that road.

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